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Writer's pictureAntonio Cooper

Chapter 2: The First of Many Tests

Lisa burst from her bedroom into the living room, and saw Garmul slide a flat blade half as long as her forearm underneath his shirt sleeve. She quickly made her way across the room, using several pieces of furniture to steady her. “Pa, I’m going!”

Garmul quickly looked around like he was in trouble, “Ha, I don’t—-”

“By the Mortal Soul you are!” Faith barraged through the door across the room leading to the kitchen. Garmul went to speak but Faith cut him off, “We just got you back and you think we’re gonna let you wander around the streets?”

Lisa walked up to Garmul, “Pa, I’m going...I have to.” She saw the serious look on her face from the reflection in his brown eyes. 

Garmul reached into the umbrella holder and pulled out a walking cane. “Sorry, but i’m immune to that look. You can thank Ma for that.” 

Lisa straightened her back, standing tall as she could. “The city is dangerous and gathering supplies is my duty.”

Faith went to speak but Garmul broke into laughter, “girl, you can barely walk across the room, and you expect me to believe you're gonna be able to walk up and down the steep grades of the vert streets? What happens if you run into slavers - cause they are wandering around now. You gonna hobble away?”

“Pa,” Faith hit his shoulder, “We just don’t think it’s wise.”

Lisa bit her bottom lip, fists clenched, “I’m not useless! Please, I have caused you enough trouble, let me help.”

Faith walked over and placed a hand on Lisa’s shoulder, “We didn’t say you were. You're just not ready.”

“I’m able to walk around, so if I can’t get you out of the city, I will make sure life is as comfortable as possible till Death comes for us.”

Faith and Garmul looked at each other and Garmul spoke up, “Fine. You can go...if you can beat me in a race across the room and back. At least then I know you can be somewhat steady on your feet.”

Faith slapped her forehead, “What? N—-”

“Deal!” Lisa said, walking beside Pa, lining up to prove her worth to them.

“Try not to feel too bad, I may be old, but, Go!” Garmul shouted, launching forward.

Lisa took off after him and almost tripped over her feet as she leaned forward. Garmul wasn’t very fast, in fact he was in more of a jog than a sprint. She reached him before they hit the midway point, and as she passed him, a sharp pain cracked against her knee. Lisa fell to the floor and rolled to a stop, pain shooting up and down her leg.

“Might want to watch where you're walking.” Garmul cackled, continuing his jog, with cane in hand. 

“Pa!” Faith screamed.

Lisa bared her teeth, scrambling to her feet. Her leg hurt, but she lowered her head, throwing her body forward. Pa reached the wall, casually tapping it, and starting his return to the finish line.

They crossed paths again, Lisa was eyeing the staff and dodged another sneaking swipe at her legs. “That's dirty!” Lisa yelled, passing him, trying to gently touch the wall. Instead, her legs were still a tad unsteady, sending her shoulder into the stone wall. Lisa bit a yelp in the throat and threw herself forward beginning  her return trip.

“So is life!” Garmul laughed, the bottom half of the can flew away, with the swing of his arm, revealing a hidden blade.

“Pa!” Faith screamed.

Lisa felt the beat of her heart in her throat. A cold sweat ran over her, seeing the glint of steel. She stalled one step, but remembered what losing meant. An image ran through her head of Garmul walking out and never coming back. The wails of Faith on their last days within the house. Lisa thought of screaming something bravos, but her jaw clenched and she gave everything, rushing forward.

She saw Garmul raise the blade, but she kept her eye on the prize as she closed in on the far wall. She saw it flash down toward her legs, her gut felt like she was falling, but she kept running. Her heart thumped, feeling a cramp in her leg as she stumbled to the floor.

“Lisa!” Faith’s voice cried out as her hand hit the wall and the forehead cracked against the floor. 

Lisa looked around, her head felt like she had been drinking all night. Faith was at her side and Garmul was in the center of the room clapping his hand. The blade was spotless, she looked down and saw her leg was perfectly fine, besides the fading pain of the cramp in her calf.

“Guess I’m not as spry as I used to be. Have dinner with us and take a few hours to eat and get a better hold of your legs, then you can go.” Garmul said, putting the sheath on his blade returning it to a normal walking cane.

“Pa! You could have hurt her!” Faith yelled, running her hand over Lisa’s head.

“Could have, but didn’t.” Garmul walked over and grabbed Lisa by the hand pulling her up. “Keep that conviction and you will be fine.”

Lisa nodded and she followed Faith into the kitchen to help her cook, despite her master’s protests. Three hours passed as she enjoyed possibly the last few hours with them. She took time to commit everything to memory, the smell of the bread, the warm smiles on their faces, Faith’s complaints at Garmul’s inappropriate jokes. She showered, making sure the bathroom mirror was covered, and did some last minute cleaning. Feeling content about everything, she headed for the door.

The family convened once more, and Faith took off her white waist sash and tied it around Lisa. “Take this with you. It kept me safe during my time in the Field Medic Core, and I’m sure it will serve you just as faithfully.”

Lisa reached into the sash and felt the handle of something. Pulling it out, she stared at the eight inch blade, hilted with rough leather and the pommel in the shape of a lion head biting down on a vial. She looked up and opened her mouth, but Faith reached out and closed Lisa’s hand around the handle. The room sat quietas they hugged. She stepped through the door waving goodbye to her masters. Watching the door shut, Lisa muttered, “They deserve better than dying in this place. I will find them a way out.” She turned facing down the desolate streets of her dying home.

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